Know a Good Deal When You See One?

We want to partner with you!

Maybe you don’t own a house you want to sell, but you know of one that would be a great investment. Stonecrest has the cash to invest, and is looking for great opportunities to buy properties throughout the U.S.If you know a property and refer it to us, we will pay you a fee if we buy the property.

Benefits of Working With Stonecrest

  • We pay you a competitive fee for every successful referral

  • You get a well funded investor/partner with assets to move quickly

  • We have a history (since 1986) and track record of successful investments

If you know about a property and want to partner with us, call (855) 542-2466 or fill out the form below.

Tell Us about yourself

Check all that apply to you:
Real Estate Agent

Tell us about the property (optional)